Coconut Oil Popcorn
- 冷壓椰子油一湯匙
- 乾玉米粒一湯匙
- 海鹽、糖或其他調味料(選擇性)
- 先用大火將平底鍋加熱;
- 將一湯匙椰子油倒入鍋裏,以中大火加熱約一分鐘;
- 將一湯匙乾玉米粒加入鍋裏讓椰子油把它們爆熱 (這時可選擇加點海鹽或糖或其他調味料);應不時搖晃鍋子讓玉米粒獲得均勻的熱力;
- 約一分鐘後,爆谷會開始跳躍爆開,這時上蓋讓爆谷繼續加熱膨脹,並繼續搖晃鍋子讓玉米粒均勻受熱;
- 這食法美味又能增加椰子油的吸收,椰子油富含幫助消化的中鏈脂肪酸以及殺菌的月桂酸;
- 爆谷原材料不經精煉,保存糠、胚芽、胚乳等穀物最高纖和最營養豐富的部份,所以爆谷特別高纖,可幫助穩定血糖和膽固醇;
- 富含錳、鎂、磷、鋅,還有維他命B3、B6;
- 富含多酚 (polyphenols) 和其他抗氧化物質,有助掃蕩體內自由基;
- 很少份量的玉米粒能爆發成一大碗爆谷,卡路里低但飽肚,對減肥有幫助。
- 千萬不要用微波爐來做爆谷,或購買那些用微波爐製成的爆谷;
- 椰子油爆谷是健康小食可替代一般零食,但一次不要吃太多(超過一碗),而且不應天天吃因為或會熱氣,要視乎自己體質,可當開心小食。
- 製作爆谷應注意火力越猛,爆出來的爆谷會越大隻鬆脆。爆完應即熄火和起蓋,不要讓濕氣將爆谷軟化。
- 可能不會第一次就做出完美爆谷,時間跟火候方面是需要揣摩一下的。
Ingredients (for one person):
- Cold-pressed coconut oil 1 tablespoon
- Popping corn kernels 1 tablespoon
- Sea salt, sugar or other condiments (optional)
- Heat a frying pan with high heat;
- Add 1 tablespoon coconut oil and heat with medium high heat for about 1 minute;
- Add 1 tablespoon popping kernels to the pan and let them sizzle in the oil. Can optionally add sea salt or sugar or other condiments at this time; shake the pan occasionally to ensure even heat distribution;
- After about 1 minute, the kernels will start popping. Cover with a lid and wait until all kernels have popped;
- When the popping is complete, immediately turn off heat, remove lid and serve.
- This recipe allows for the absorption of coconut oil and its numerous nutritional benefits including medium chain fatty acids which aid digestion, and lauric acid which helps fight germs;
- Popping kernels are not refined and thus have their bran, germ and endosperm intact, providing large amounts of fibre and nutrition and can help stabilise blood glucose and cholesterol levels;
- Rich in manganese, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc, as well as Vitamins B3 and B6;
- Rich in polyphenols and other antioxidants, which help scavenge free radicals;
- Helpful for weight control as just a small amount of kernels can produce a large amount of popcorn with low calories, contributing to a feeling of fullness.
- Do not make popcorn with microwave or buy popcorn that has been made with microwave;
- Coconut oil popcorn can substitute for many snacks but excess consumption (more than one bowl) could lead to heatiness;
- The higher the heat used for the popping, the fluffier and crispier the resulting popcorn. As soon as the popping is done, remove cover immediately to avoid vaporization which will dampen the popcorn.
- Practice makes perfect - timing and heat strengths will vary with individual set-ups so some trial-and-error may be required before the perfect bowl of popcorn is achieved!
![]() 椰子油爆谷 Coconut Oil Popcorn |