20% Off 膚安霜 Christina Paul Skin Calm Essential Oil Cream (50ml)
成份:三種精油:Immortelle (Helichrysm angustifolium), Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia), and Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis);混合霜:金盞花霜* Calendula cream (Calendula officinalis)
* 金盞花霜內含有純蘆薈汁、玫瑰餾分、金盞花萃取物、甘油、乳木果油、可可油、印度山竹油、芒果油、牛油果油和紅蘿蔔油,為皮膚充份補濕。雖然油份高,但容易為皮膚吸收亦不會堵塞毛孔。
The aloe juice, rose distillate, calendula extract and glycerin all bring soothing hydration to dry skin. The rich properties of shea butter, cocoa butter, kokum butter, mango butter, avocado oil, and carrot oil make this butter creme the ultimate base for dry and distressed skin. This creme is quickly absorbed into the skin, despite its high oil and butter content.
食療主義芳香療法選用100%全天然高質素精油,草本原材料採摘自世界各地小型或家族式有機農場,由 Soulistic 著名芳香療師 Christina Paul 親手調校。
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