25% off 大三湘有機濃香山茶油 (4罐禮盒裝) Great Sanxiang Organic Camellia Oil Gift Box (1L x 4)
大三湘濃香山茶油有機、冷提、冒煙點 230°C,含高達80%單元不飽和脂肪,油分穩定不易氧化,可安心煮食用。所採用茶樹果籽自家種植,持有歐盟及中國雙重有機認證。茶樹經13個月開花結果,熟成採摘後,廠方以獨家的7道工序潔淨及篩選,確保優質不含霉變籽,然後物理壓榨成初油,再以專利技術 4°C 冷提,去除雜質,保存活性營養成分包括角鯊烯、原花青素、茶多酚、維生素E、黃酮等,並將酸度 (游離脂肪酸) 控制在 0.5%以下,超越特級初榨橄欖油 (0.8%) 的標準。
生產商湖南大三湘茶油公司位於衡陽,專注研發「從茶山至餐桌」的 "farm to table" 式製油工藝,由育苗、種植至清洗、去殼、壓榨、冷提、過濾,都以創新技術進行,獲頒多項發明專利及科研獎項,為國內外茶籽製油科技開創革命性的領域和標準。所有製作工序符合GMP生產規模,並獲得HACCP食物安全管理認證。
成分:100% 有機茶籽油
We are very pleased to introduce a cooking oil that we consider to be a great discovery!
Great Sanxiang Organic Camellia Oil is a top quality cooking oil made by a dedicated producer with their own organic Camellia farms in Hunan. The oil is certified organic by both the EU and China, and is produced in certified facilities that meet GMP and HACCP standards.
Mechanically pressed and cold-extracted at 4°C, Great Sanxiang's Camellia oil is pure and nutritious, with low acidity of under 0.5% and a high smoke point of 230°C. The fatty acid composition of 80% monounsaturated (Omega 9), 11% saturated and 9% polyunsaturated (Omega 3 and 6) fatty acids makes Camellia oil an ideal choice for cooking in medium to high heat. Please add oil after the pan is heated.
Ingredients: 100% organic Camellia Oil
Made in Hengyang region of Hunan, China
More on Great Sanxiang Organic Camellia Oil and its Producer
- Producer Great Sanxiang Oil Company located in the Hengshan region of Hunan is dedicated to a farm-to-table style of production with vertical integration. The company has its own Camellia farms and nurseries, and collaborates with local farmers in an area covering over 60,000 Mu of organic fields. Their crops are certified organic by both the EU and China.
- For this cooking oil, Camellia seeds are cleaned and shelled in 7 innovative steps, mechanically pressed, and then extracted at 4°C to ensure bioavailability of squalene, proanthocyanidins , Vitamin E, and polyphenols. The process is a technological breakthrough that has earned the company many patents and awards.
- The fatty acid composition of maximum monounsaturated Omega 9 fatty acids and minimum polyunsaturated Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in Camellia oil ensures high oxidation stability. This means the oil will not turn rancid in high temperatures.
- Camellia oil has exceptional nutritional qualities because Camellia fruits (with the seeds inside) take an unusually long time to ripen. The trees take 10 years to mature, and 13 months to complete each flowering and fruit maturation cycle. This means the fruits stay longer on the trees to be nourished by the elements of all 4 seasons.
- Apart from Organic Camellia Oil for cooking, Great Sanxiang's products include Organic Fresh Camellia Oil oral supplement, and a range of unique skin care and cleaning products using Camellia flower, seeds, oil, plant extracts, enzymes, and saponins.
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