德國潔淨腸道排蟲液 (無酒精) TISSO Pro Intest (Alcohol Free) (100ml)
潔淨腸道排蟲液 (無酒精) 採用13種天然草本製成,以蘋果醋、左旋乳酸及甘油天然提取,絕無酒精成份,容易吸收。龍膽 Gentian 及蒿/艾草 Wormwood 是功效出眾的苦草,有助消化及清理腸道,對付寄生蟲及病毒份外有效。配方加有鋅,提升免疫力。
13種天然草本成份包括 Herbal Ingredients:木瓜葉 Papaya Leaves 、橄欖葉 Olive Leaves、胡桃殼 Black Walnut、蒿 Wormwood、丁香 Cloves、薑 Ginger、松果 Juniper Berries、苦木 Quassia Wood、龍膽 Gentian、蒲公英 Dandelion、牛膝草 Hyssop Herb、紅三葉草 Red Meadow Clover、百里香 Thyme。
其他成份 Other Ingredients:水 water、蘋果醋 apple cider vinegar、左旋乳酸 L(+) lactic acid、甘油 glycerine 及硫酸锌 zinc sulphate
建議食法:每日3次,每次30滴。此建議劑量是以體重 70KG 為用量標準。其他體重人士可按個別體重參考以下劑量資料。可淨飲、加入水或果汁中飲用。餐前或餐後服用皆可。用前先搖勻。
Tisso Pro Intest (Alcohol Free) is made from 13 natural herbs naturally extracted with apple cider vinegar, L(+) lactic acid and glycerine. Among the 13 herbs, Gentian and Wormwood are bitter herbs with outstanding effects on digestion and gastrointestinal problems especially when dealing with parasites and viruses. Zinc is added to boost immune system.
Recommended usage : Apply according to the user's weight. Dilute with water, juice or fruit pulp or pure to drink. Can be taken anytime and shake before use. Please follow suggested daily dosages:
Under 7kg, 9 drops taken in 3 times per day64-70Kg, 90 drops taken in 3 times per day
Gluten and lactose free, vegan.
Made in Germany
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