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瑞典健全維他命C粉 HH Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Powder (500g)

  • 37800
  • $420.00

此抗壞血酸 (ascorbic acid) 維他命C粉是純淨維C,不含其它成分或添加劑,粉狀供方便攝取所需分量。



建議用法:每日將半至一香料量匙 (即500毫克至1毫克) 維C粉加入一杯水攪勻飲用,可分數次飲用,亦可在有需要時增加用量。飯後食用最佳。此粉狀維他命由於沒有任何添加成分,粉在瓶中有機會出現凝結狀態,但不影響性質與效用,可安心食用。


This ascorbic acid is pure Vitamin C in the same natural form found in fruits and berries.  It does not contain any other ingredients or additives.  In power form, it is easy to dose with a small spice measure so that the amounts can be customised for the needs of different times or different people.  

Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C. 

Made in Sweden

Suggested use: Mix 1/2 - 1 spice measure (500mg-1g) of the powder into a glass of water and take during the day.  Can divide into several doses and can also increase dosage in times of need.  Best taken with food.  The powder may clump in the jar due to it being completely free of additives, but this does not affect the vitamin content or efficacy.

HH, standing for Helhetshälsa, is a family business in Sweden with integrated facilities for product development, manufacturing and warehousing.  All supplements are vegan or vegetarian, non-GMO and non-irradiated, and made without chemical additives or excipients.

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