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德國有機小米 Rinatura Organic Hulled Millet (500g)

德國有機小米 Rinatura Organic Hulled Millet (500g)

  • 4800
  • $54.00


小米的優點是鹼性 (一般穀物都酸性)、高纖、低糖 (比米和小麥低)、高蛋白、富含鎂和維他命B3。德國優質品牌Rinatura 的去殼全穀小米有品質保證,確保小米的纖維和營養價值得以保存。




Millet is a traditional staple that is much embraced today as it does not contain any glutens.  It is a grain that is more alkaline than most other grains, it is high in fibre and lower in Glycemic Index (GI) than say rice and wheat.  It is rich in protein, magnesium and Vitamin B3.  The organic hulled millet of Rinatura has been through high German standards of biological farming and responsible packaging.

Cooking Method: Rinse the millet and add 2-3 cups water to 1 cup millet.  Cover and cook for 20 minutes.  Season to taste before serving.  There is also the option to grill the millet for a few moments before adding water for cooking. 

Made in Germany