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德國發酵鐵元素膠囊 TISSO Pro Ferra Ferment (60 capsules)

  • 31500
  • $350.00

利用曲菌米曲霉(Koji Fermentation) 專利發酵製耐受性的植物性硫酸鐵。大米發酵劑和曲菌的培養物載植物性硫酸鐵,在發酵過程中二價硫酸鐵會儲存於霉的細胞中。鐵元膠囊在進後,二價硫酸鐵會從發酵霉的細胞中緩慢釋放,除增加吸收外,亦對胃部特別溫和。

TISSO 發酵鐵元膠囊的曲發酵鐵已在應用研究中顯示絕對安全且無副作用,能高濃度到達血液,生物利用度高且有良好的耐受性。配方加入緩衝維他命 C 和多種維他命B  (B2、活性B6 活性B12及葉酸),進一步提升鐵的代謝和吸收。每膠囊提供 21mg 鐵元、100mg 緩衝維他命C。

成份:硫酸亞鐵的米曲霉培養(未活化) (42.2%) 維他命C(L-抗壞血酸鈉)(20.5%)支鏈澱粉微晶纖維素維他命B6(0.4%)維他命B2(0.3%)維他命B12






TISSO Pro Ferra Ferment provides a high bioavailability plant-based iron sulphate from a patented fermentation of the koji fungus Aspergillus oryzae. In this process, a starter culture of rice and the fungus is enriched with bivalent iron sulphate, which the fungus stores in its cells during further fermentation. The iron embedded in this way is evidently released in the body much slower and thus more gently than the isolated iron sulphate on the stomach.  The koji fermented iron in Pro Ferra Ferment has been shown in application studies to be absolutely safe and free of side effects, even when taken over a longer period of time and in high doses.

The addition of vitamin C and various B vitamins supports the iron metabolism and absorption. Each capsule provides 21mg iron and 100mg buffered Vitamin C.

Ingredients : Aspergillus oryzae culture (inactivated) enriched with iron sulphate (42.2%), vitamin C (sodium L-ascorbate) (20.5%); pullulan capsule, filler: microcrystalline cellulose, vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5'-phosphate) (0.4 %), vitamin B2 (riboflavin) (0.3 %), vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin on mannitol), folic acid ((6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, glucosamine salt)

Free of gluten, yeast, lactose, preservatives, additives, colourings or flavourings. Vegan.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 capsule daily best on empty stomach.

Made in Germany


A little more about Iron.....

Iron in the body

Iron is essential for blood formation, oxygen transport and the energy supply of the cells. It also plays an important role in the immune system and for cognitive abilities. The human body contains about 3 to 5 grams of iron, about 80 % of it as active functional iron: in the haemoglobin of the red blood cells, in the myoglobin of the muscle cells and in iron-containing enzymes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, among others. The remaining 20 % are stored as ferritin and haemosiderin in the liver and spleen or circulate in the blood bound to transferrin.  

Chaffing iron vs. non-chaffing iron

The body obtains iron exclusively from food, in the form of haeme iron and non-haeme iron. The bivalent iron (Fe2+)  bound in the heme molecule that gives it its name is found exclusively in animal foods, especially meat, sausage and liver.
Plants mainly supply non-haem iron, which is iron in ionised, mostly trivalent form (Fe3+). Trivalent iron, however, must first be converted to bivalent before it can be absorbed in the intestine and therefore has a much poorer bioavailability. Some plant substances such as phytates, oxalates and tannins additionally inhibit iron absorption. 

Deficiency or increased need

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies worldwide. Mostly women are affected, but also vegetarians and vegans. In women it is due to menstruation and pregnancy, in meatless diets it is due to the low bioavailability of plant-based iron. 
Since too much iron can be harmful, high-dose supplements should only be taken if a deficiency has been diagnosed. On the other hand, an increased need can be met with the help of a much lower-dosed dietary supplement such as our Pro Ferra Ferment. 

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