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20% off 茶果酵素洗潔劑 Camellia Cleanser for Dishes, Vegetables and Hands (500g)

  • 5400
  • $68.00


成份:水、山茶果酵素、月桂醇聚醚酸酯鈉、椰油酰胺基甜菜碱、椰油酸二乙醇酰胺、甘油、氯化鈉、 山梨酸鉀、羥基甲酯、脫氫乙酸鈉、EDTA二鈉 


This cleanser is powerful for cleaning dishes but so gentle on the hands that it can even be used as a liquid soap. Made from camellia oil enzyme, saponin and coconut oil derivative, this plant-based cleanser can effectively remove grease and dirt from dishes, and also wash off residues from fertilisers or insecticides off fruits and vegetables. It is free from fragrance, fluorescents, bleach or any harmful agents. It has strong cleansing power, and if used to clean surfaces, can help keep ants and insects away.

Made in China


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