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大三湘有機鲜榨山茶油細支裝 Great Sanxiang Organic Fresh Camellia Oil Supplement Vials (10ml x 7)

  • 18800

「大三湘有機鮮榨山茶油」是十分罕有的純茶籽油口服營養補充品,以「鮮榨冷提」的原創技術製成,所採用茶樹果籽自家種植,持有歐盟及中國雙重有機認證,採摘後在最多六小時內,清洗脫殼,將鮮茶籽榨成果漿,再以 4°C 低溫提取純淨茶油,最大程度保留油中角鯊烯、甾醇、茶多酚、山茶皂苷、維生素E 等五大活性營養成分。大三湘公司憑此「鮮榨冷提」技術突破了山茶油養分的生物利用界限,獲頒多項發明專利及獎項。

鮮榨山茶油的營養效益包括:消炎抗菌,保護口腔、食道和腸胃黏膜,舒緩潰瘍,改善腸道菌叢平衡,提升免疫力。山茶油所含的高量單元不飽和脂肪酸 (奧米加 9 油酸) 亦有助調節血脂,減少脂肪聚集血管,令血液更暢通。 

成分:100% 有機山茶籽油



每天早餐前直接服用一瓶 (10 毫升)。

若有口腔、咽喉炎症等,可於三餐前半小時服用 5 毫升,並含在患處30秒左右慢慢下咽。七天或症狀緩解後即改為每天早上一次。



有「東方橄欖油」美譽的茶籽油營養價值極高,需10年成長的山茶樹,從花苞至果籽熟成的週期長達13個月 (橄欖油是7個月),吸盡五季的陽光雨露,日月精華,蘊藏大量抗氧化物質,可消炎、抗菌、養胃、調節血脂等。 



湖南大三湘茶油公司位於衡陽,專注研發「從茶山至餐桌」的 "farm to table" 式製油工藝,由育苗、種植至清洗、去殼、壓榨、冷提、過濾,都以創新技術進行,獲頒多項發明專利及科研獎項,為國內外茶籽製油科技開創革命性的領域和標準。所有製作工序符合GMP生產規模,並獲得HACCP食物安全管理認證。


Great Sanxiang Organic Fresh Camellia Oil Supplement is a rare oral supplement made within 6 hours of Camellia fruit harvesting, from cleaning, shelling, and fresh squeezing into seed puree to cold extraction at 4°C.  

The patented technology of extracting oil from fresh seeds (without drying) in low temperatures ensures that the greatest amount of nutritional bioactive compounds can be retained.  These include antioxidants such as squalene, phytosterols, polyphenols, tea saponins and vitamin E.  They are anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial, and aid in protecting the mucous lining of the mouth, oesophagus and digestive tract, easing ulcers, modulating the microbiota, and supporting immune functions. The high amount of monounsaturated fatty acids also helps in the regulation of blood lipids.  

Ingredient: 100% Organic Fresh Camellia Oil

Made in Hunan, China

Suggested Use: 

Take one spoonful, or 5-10ml of oil once a day before breakfast.  

In case of inflammation or infection in the mouth or throat, take 5ml of oil half an hour before each meal.  Hold about 30 seconds in mouth before swallowing slowly.  Revert to once a day after 7 days or when symptoms disappear.

Take 5ml of oil before drinking alcohol to prevent or ease any damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach.  

More on the nutritional value of Camellia oil 

Camellia oil has exceptionally high nutritional value because the Camellia fruit and seed take an unusually long time to ripen. The plant takes 10 years to mature, and 13 months to complete each flowering and fruit maturation cycle.  This means the fruits stay longer on the trees to be nourished by the elements of all 4 seasons.

More on the producer

Great Sanxiang Oil Company located in the Hengshan region of Hunan is dedicated to a farm-to-table style of production with vertical integration.  The company has its own Camellia farms and nurseries, and collaborates with local farmers in an area covering over 60,000 Mu of organic fields.  Their crops are certified organic by both the EU and China, and their oil is produced in certified facilities that meet GMP and HACCP standards.  The technological breakthrough they have made in Camellia oil research and innovation has earned them many patents and awards. 

Apart from Organic Fresh Camellia Oil oral supplement, Great Sanxiang's products include Organic Camellia Oil for cooking, and a range of unique skin care and cleaning products made from the Camellia flower, seeds, oil, plant extracts, enzymes and saponins.  

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